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Jim Gwinner 为 LS2group 带来了近二十年的政府关系和商业专业知识,开设了我们的圣路易斯办事处,并花时间为密苏里州、堪萨斯州和伊利诺伊州部分地区的客户工作。

在加入 LS2group 之前,Jim 曾在政治和公共事务公司 James Gwinner & Associates, LLC 担任负责人。他的工作转化为成功的医疗保健、保险、制药、能源、电信和其他行业的政府关系主管。

吉姆将他的问题倡导和现场运营背景用于为需要在联盟发展和激活、赢得媒体、游说、业务发展或只是顽固的竞选胜利方面提供帮助的客户工作。他与财富 500 强公司、候选人和投票问题以及行业和非营利协会合作,熟悉运作良好的竞选活动的方方面面。

Jim 为 Blue Cross、比尔盖茨基金会、美国大豆协会等许多客户精心策划了成功。他还协助公司在整个中西部开发新的商业市场。 Jim 拥有为众多商业和专业组织游说的经验,他的竞选工作包括开发直邮、付费广告等等。

Jim Gwinner is a graduate of the University of Missouri (Mizzou). An active alumnus, Jim has served as an officer on the Mizzou Alumni Association’s National Governing Board and is a past national president of the organization that represents nearly 275,000 alumni worldwide. Jim is a member of the Missouri State Chamber of Commerce, Kansas Chamber of Commerce, the Missouri National Guard Association and the Kirkwood Chamber of Commerce, where he serves on the Public Policy Committee. Finally, Jim served in the U.S. Army Reserves Components as an MP and led detachments both at home and abroad.

