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Sybil Sullivan

Finance Specialist

Sybil Sullivan specializes in finances with expertise in analysis and forecast projections. For more than 10 years, Sybil has effectively communicated data in attainable formats to present to boards, councils, and executive teams.

Prior to joining LS2group, Sybil worked as the business manager of InnerVisions HealthCare and St. Augustin Parish in Des Moines. Sybil’s ability to evaluate data has allowed companies and organizations to grow with confidence. In addition, Sybil has managed capital and event projects to facilitate development.

Sybil Sullivan obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) and master’s degree from the University of Missouri, Columbia.

Outside of her work at LS2group, Sybil volunteers for several religious organizations. She enjoys reading and playing sports of all kinds with her family.

Des Moines, IA
