Dear Instagram: Why ruin a good thing?

Mar 21

Written by ls2group

Oh, Instagram. You used to be pure. You used to show me friends, family, puppies, and kittens. You used to be organic and not formulate my feed with posts I may not want to see. Now you tell me I’m going to see what you think I want to see?

Last week, Instagram announced it would follow in Facebook and Twitter’s footsteps by implementing an algorithm that will control what users see first instead of the organic order in which they are posted. Instagram claims they want to bring a better experience to the user, but I wonder, “What was wrong with the experience in the first place?”

Supposedly Instagram users miss about 70 percent of the posts in their Instagram feed. Instagram is now determined to make sure that the 30 percent of the posts users actually see is the best 30 percent possible. You follow me?

How will it work? 

The feed will now be ordered to show the photos and moments Instagram seems to think users care about most. It will prioritize posts from the interests of the users, but they’re not entirely articulate about how the interests of users are determined. They may pull from photos liked, profiles browsed, or videos commented. What I do know is the algorithm will factor in the likelihood the user will be interested in the post, the time the photo or video was posted, and the relationship between users.

Is it just an ad scheme?

There is a good chance users may see more advertisements because Instagram will control what they are seeing. Just as Facebook and Twitter, users may start to see more sponsored or suggested posts in their feeds. I’m sure marketers from sea to shining sea are a bit more excited about this than the users behind the phones.

Seize the opportunity!

I view this as an opportunity to master your Instagram brand, whether you are a human being or a company. Just like Facebook, over-posting often gets lost in the newsfeed. Make sure you are posting quality images and videos so your identity doesn’t get lost in the 70 percent that is missed. Develop a style that makes people recognize you – your “brand.” For example, I love the Gingham filter; I usually use it on every single image I post. Try to use hashtags that are popular so other users can find you if that is a priority.

Now, go on into the world and be the best Instagrammer you can be. Well, the best Instagrammer that Instagram believes you to be.
