LS2group Book Club: Book 1

Nov 16

Simon Sinek blog

Written by ls2group

In an industry as dynamic as public relations, government affairs, and marketing, continued learning is essential.

The leaders here at LS2group do a wonderful job of providing best practice seminars and continued educational opportunities. To take it one step further, we are adding a business book club to our employee development practices

The goal is to work through two highly acclaimed organizational and leadership books per year and follow each book with an interactive discussion on what principles from each might be valuable to adopt in our work.

We see many likely benefits of this effort. An important one is providing our team members an opportunity to learn about leadership best practices and discuss those in a group discussion. Developing greater team chemistry and synergy is a big positive as well.

The first book is Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t,”  by Simon Sinek.

We will check back in December with some thoughts on the book, and some valuable takeaways and applications our team came away with.

Happy reading!
