Celebrating Women

Mar 25

Written by ls2group

Thanks to social media, national fill-in-the-blank days and months have become popular over the years. There seems to be a day for everything! National Pancake Day? Sure! National Margarita Day? Why not! National Chocolate Custard Month? Can’t go wrong. But some recognitions have a deeper meaning than others. March is Women’s History Month and houses International Women’s Day (March 8), which both hold a sense of importance on many levels.

International Women’s Day, is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day is important because it raises the awareness of the accomplishments women have made in history and the accomplishments they will continue to make in the future. It’s a time to highlight the women who are making a difference in their community, state, and across the world.

Women’s History Month is an annually observed month that grew from a weeklong celebration to a month-long celebration in 1986, when the National Women’s History Project (NWHP) successfully petitioned Congress to expand the weeklong observance to a full month. This month celebrates women and girls who have made a difference in their communities, industries, organizations, and globally. In 2016, the NWHP designated the theme for this month to honoring women in public service and government, honoring women of the past and present who have and continue to positively impact our nation through their public service leadership.

Both of these observances recognize the important role women play in their communities as well as the challenges women have living in a world sometimes dominated by men. These recognitions offer a time for both men and women to reflect on their goals, celebrate the achievements strong women have made, and change the course of our society.

With women only making up 19.3 percent of the United States House of Representatives and only 20 percent of the United States Senate, it is clear there is a gap in female leadership in our nation today. Furthermore, women only make up 11 percent of the world’s billionaires and 14 percent of the top executive positions in Fortune 500 companies.

At LS2group, we are fortunate to have women represent over half of our office. They are leaders, creators, innovators, and each one brings a new perspective to the table for our clients every day. They all continuously make a difference, not only in our office, but also in the community and for their clients.

There are a number of organizations aiming to change this path year round, but these national and international day- and month-long observances bring important awareness to the general public on gender gaps and the benefits of female empowerment and leadership in businesses. Women’s History Month provides the opportunity for these organizations and the greater public to not only be more informed on the important way women positively impact our society, but to create a path for our nation to provide more opportunities for women in leadership positions and more. These national and international observances also educate men, women, boys, and girls of all backgrounds of the variety of opportunities there are for women in our world today.

At LS2group, we are lucky to have a number of women in our office and countless achievements to celebrate this month, and we hope to see the same opportunities for women across the board.

How do you plan to celebrate the women in your life this month?
