A few tips to perfecting a career, motherhood, and marriage

Oct 13

Written by ls2group

There are various definitions of work-life balance. I think it’s best defined as taking time for areas of life that you find important along with your career. Faith, family, work, and community, and social activities are all important areas of my life and what I consider the make-up of my work-life balance. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula for maintaining a healthy work-life balance, below are some practical things I strive to do on a regular basis to keep my work and personal life “balanced.”


I have a running checklist of things that I need to accomplish. I love the satisfaction of crossing those items off my list. Most of the time, I’m not able to cross off everything in a 24-hour day. Some days that means leaving endless loads of laundry sitting in the living room waiting to be folded so there is more time to spend with family, or leaving my office a mess to accomplish more at work. Unfinished tasks can drive me crazy sometimes, but I’ve found prioritization to be incredibly helpful to make time for what is most important.


Open communication with my family and co-workers is a critical part of keeping a balanced work and family life. A sick kid at home or a day packed with meetings may impact other responsibilities throughout the day. My family and co-workers need to know what I have going on in my day to keep expectations realistic.


LS2group promotes a strong team environment. It is one of our many strengths as a company. We work together to accomplish seemingly impossible goals and I believe this same principle applies at home. There are times when we have incredibly busy schedules, but my husband and I work together to make sure things get done at home while both maintaining careers outside the home.

Be flexible

I consider myself an organized person and love setting personal goals. Sometimes my goals and plans for the week are interrupted. I will never be able to anticipate what will happen over the course of my day, but that’s part of what I enjoy so much about my role at LS2group. It’s also what I enjoy about being a wife and mom. Life’s interruptions keep things interesting and exciting. When I can’t control my circumstances, I’ve learned to be flexible and adapt in order to truly enjoy each part of my life as it happens.

Work smarter

I am always looking for ways of streamlining my tasks. I’ve found apps such as Cozi and Wunderlist to be helpful in staying organized, or something as simple as planning meals for the week so I don’t end up making five trips to the grocery store.

What are some ways that you save time to improve your work-life balance? Leave me a comment, I would love to know!
