An Internship Experience I’ll Never Forget

Aug 24

Written by ls2group

In college, they tell you a lot of things about internships.

First and foremost, get one. Second, it’s preferred that you have multiple. Third, fourth, and fifth, employers will care more about your experience than your degree, but hey, no pressure.

And for the most part, I listened. As an incoming sophomore, I frantically sent what felt like hundreds of cover letters to all parts of the public relations industry in Des Moines before landing an interview with LS2group. I put on a pencil skirt and blazer for the first time before venturing to the East Village. I made multiple comments on the beautiful view from the office, tried my best to stay upright in my heels, and left with my fingers crossed.

I’m still here three years later.

Throughout my stint at LS2group, I’ve learned the basics: drink lots of coffee, use AP Style, take lunch a few minutes early to be first in line for the microwave, and always ask questions. I learned how to use Google search terms to my advantage and what LTE and COB mean. I developed a passion for Iowa politics and my default homepage evolved from a basic search engine to The Des Moines Register.

But what my professors didn’t tell me is how much my internship would shape my college experience; that the projects I worked on would help form my political views and define my career path, or that my coworkers would quickly become some of my best friends. There isn’t a day that I don’t feel valued in my job and I can honestly say I enjoy the work that I do.

In addition to the annual company softball season and the lunch tailgate for the Iowa versus Iowa State football game, it is a tradition in our office to share your funniest, most rewarding, and most challenging moments at LS2group during your going away party. I feel it most appropriate to share them with cyberspace as I leave to take on law school:

Funniest: A few weeks ago, Des Moines experienced the ultimate downpour right before a big client meeting a few blocks from our office. Important photos needed to get to a meeting last minute, so a partner asked me for help; he would drive, and I would attempt to keep the photos dry as I ran them inside. We were both soaked.

Most Rewarding: A big part of the public affairs work that we do at LS2group involves speaking with elected officials, including those running for president. Last year at the Iowa State Fair, I had the opportunity to have a twenty-minute conversation with Texas Governor Rick Perry. The access to presidential candidates in Iowa and through my LS2group internship has helped shape my political views and has given me the opportunity to see and learn to love the election cycle.

Most Challenging: During my first few months at LS2group, I was given a project that required calling foreign embassies, many of which didn’t speak English. I was very thankful for email and more familiar with Google translate by the end of the week.

I owe a huge thank you to LS2group for taking a chance on an incoming sophomore with little experience and absolutely no idea what she was getting herself into. I’m not ashamed to say I’m an internship life-er and longtime LS2 “Groupie.”
